Welcome to YesNewLife.com!

Do you want to get your health back and make money? The answer is here. (English is not my first language, so I hope you'll forgive me if my wording is a little strange.)

I know you visited this website for health products, but I share with you what I believe is more important first. I believe that where to spend eternity is much more important when you leave this earth because we live up to 100 years in this world, but we live eternity when we leave this world.

If you're not interested in the eternal life, you can skip this part and go below to see the health products.

1. What is sin?
The Bible says that it is the fundamental sin of human beings to reject the Creator and to become the master of their lives and to live as they please.

”We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all.”
Isaiah 53:6

Just as a sheep leaves a shepherd and becomes prey to a beast and dies, if a human rejects God and is separated from God, who is the source of life, it seems that the person is alive, but he is already dead. Like a tree that has been uprooted seems to be alive for a while, but is already dead.

That is why rejecting God becomes a fundamental sin of man, a sin of death.

2. Is there a creator?
If we humans are the product of evolution, When I think about why humans are so different from other animals and monkeys, I have no choice but to believe in God’s creation and I believe he made us in his image. It makes difference I believe.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27

3. Is there any evidence to believe that Jesus is the son of God and the savior?
I believe the church is the evidence of that. It is true and fact that the church exists all over the world. Then there would have been a starting point for the church. The starting point of the church cannot be found anywhere other than that recorded in chapter 2 of the Acts of the Apostles. Then we have no choice but to believe that it is the starting point of the church.

How did the church begin? According to the Acts of the Apostles, the apostles of Jesus proclaimed, "We firsthand witnessed the resurrection of Jesus from death, and he was the son of God who died and was resurrected on behalf of our sins," and those who believed in the apostles' proclamation formed the church.

The apostles were imprisoned and beheaded while claiming the resurrection of Jesus. Let's assume that their claim is false. Then They were imprisoned and beheaded for lying. The reason people lie is that if they tell lies, they will benefit themselves. No one will lie knowing that if they tell a lie, they will be killed or imprisoned. Although the disciples of Jesus knew that they would be in danger if they claimed to have witnessed Jesus' resurrection from death, they did not bend their claim that they were the ones who witnessed the resurrection of Jesus, but rather claimed persistently. Given the attitudes of these disciples, I believe that Jesus' resurrection is true, and I believe that Jesus is my savior, the son of God, who was resurrected from death.

4. How do you get eternal life?
1) Repent
Repent the fundamental sin, thinking and acting that you are the master of your life when the master of your life is God.

2) Accept Jesus as Your savior and Lord who died for your fundamental sin.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

3) live in obedience to God’ words.
Loving God and loving others is the summary of God's commandments. When I think about how happy I am when I live in love relationships with God and others, God loves us so much that I realize that he gave us this commandment for our satisfaction and happiness. Indeed, I realize well that God is a great God who wants you and I to be happy by keeping His commandments. And when his obedient children die, God promised that he would lead them to heaven. I pray that you will also enjoy this blessing.

4) Develop your relationship with God with the help of the evangelical church around you or the Christians you trust.

Until now, the medical industry and health product industry have developed and made medicines and supplements for taking care of a specific organ or symptom of our body.

So people have to take a lot of medicines and health supplements when they have pain and problems in various parts of their body.

However, TeloYouth is a new paradigm by applying the principle that if the roots of a tree are healthy, the branches will be healthy by themselves. TeloYouth helps improving the whole body, not just a part of it, by strengthening the function of the cells that form the foundation of the body and enriching the number of cells that diminish as we age. That is why there are countless testimonials improved in each part and symptom of the body, from hair to toenails, from blood sugar to sleeping disorders.

When we are young, our cells are strong and there are enough of cells to repair our body while we sleep at night , but as we get older, our cells become less functional, and our body starts to experience problems.

TeloYouth helps to improve our body from head to toe by strengthening the function of the cells.  This product is a decade ahead of the rest, and with this one product, each body part and abnormality from head to toe is improved and restored. You don't need to take multiple health products to improve each part of your body or each symptom, you only need to take this one. That's why this product is 10 years ahead of its time.

Since TeloYouth is formulated with all natural ingredients (Made in USA, FDA approved facility) there is no side effect. The YouTube below is about TeloYouth company's rejuvenation technology including ingredients and their roles.

Over the past 20 years, as a side effect of folk remedies, she has become increasingly inflamed throughout her body, and consequently, her anus was so inflamed that it was difficult to poop. Then the doctor suggested that it would be better for her to have a poop bag surgery.

Just when she was feeling frustrated and hopeless at the doctor's recommendation, she was introduced TeloYouth and started taking it. And about 10 months after taking it, inflammation in all parts of the body, including the anus, was greatly reduced. Since the anus is a sensitive area to be exposed to, she videotaped how her nails changed after taking TeloYouth.

In the video, you can see that the nails are being restored. When TeloYouth is consumed, not only the visible parts but also the invisible internal organs and tissues in the body are renewed.

Below are videos of dogs recovering. When developing a health product, we first test it on animals. These videos demonstrate the effectiveness of TeloYouth.

There are endless reports of facial rejuvenation, blood pressure, blood sugar, clean blood, energy, digestion, appetite, sleep, depression, inflammation in all parts of the body, hair growth, stomach function, eye function, breezing through menopause, joints, hormone balance, liver, lungs, colon, heart, pancreas, prostate, bladder, blood circulation, pubic itching and all kinds of body itching, increased energy, muscle mass, quick recovery after surgery, no dizziness, tight gums, etc. There are many more reports of recovery from various body parts or abnormalities not listed here.

For more testimonials, visit the company's website at www.TeloYouth.com.
You can watch more video Tetimonials by clicking this link.

"I suffer from sleep disorders. Can TeloYouth help me get back to sleep?"

One third of Americans do not get a good night's sleep and one in five rely on sleeping pills. Some of the side effects of sleeping pills include: Hot hands and feet, Appetite changes, Constipation or diarrhea, Dizziness or lack of balance, Feeling sleepy during the day, Dry throat and mouth, Decreased memory

Melatonin as an alternative to sleeping pills has the following side effects: Daytime sleepiness Worsening of depression Sleep problems worsen with long-term use Headaches High blood pressure Combining it with other medicines may cause excessive effects Dizziness/vomiting Infertility.

Painful sleep disorders are often accompanied by depression, which can lead to a rapid decline in memory, and subsequently, dementia.

So, is there a natural way to get rid of sleep disorders without resorting to sleeping pills or artificial melatonin?

The answer is TeloYouth technology. It is a company that has perfected the world's first ingestible natural cellular nutrient technology, and it is a technology that enables youthful rejuvenation beyond aging.

How can this technology fundamentally help sleep disorders?
The root cause of sleep disorders is the inability to produce the sleep hormone melatonin. In other words, the tissues involved are broken.

It also means that the body doesn’t produce the happy hormone serotonin during the day. Also, when stress hormones are high, sleep hormones are inversely proportional (decreased).

There’s an expression "sleeping like a baby". It’s rare to find babies who suffer from sleep disorders or depression. This is because babies have an abundant amount of adult stem cells in their bodies, which restore them to their best condition night after night.

TeloYouth has been clinically proven to increase the amount of adult stem cells in the body, rejuvenating sleep-related tissues (brain, nervous system, gut, etc.) and enabling healthy production of melatonin and serotonin.

TeloYouth reduces stress hormones and supports the relative production of serotonin and melatonin hormones.

It is the world's first cellular nutrient.   It is the world's first technology to enable youthful rejuvenation at a time when only anti-aging was known. 

Norwegian Fertilized Tissue Extract, which has been researched for nearly 90 years since 1929, is the most complete source of stem cell activating factors and cell production ingredients (such as 20 amino acids) that cannot be found in food.

So, within six months, the amount of adult stem cells in the body increases significantly, from 70s to 60s, from 60s to 50s, and from 50s to 40s.

The quickest way to see this is through younger, brighter skin, hair growth and thickness, and nails, and within six months, the entire five major organs are about 10 years younger. The body's cholesterol is better controlled, arthritis is relieved, organ function improves, and the immune system is balanced.

When we test the product on people who suffer from sleep disorders

50% sleep better on the very first night.

20% sleep better within 4 weeks.  70% see results within a month.

The remaining 30% sleep well after an average of six months as the relevant tissues continue to recover. In other words, in six months, most people have fundamentally repaired their bodies to sleep well. (For example, if you've had a chronic problem for 6 years, you're likely to recover in 6 months of tele-use.)

People in their 30s and 40s usually experience sleep problems due to stress and hormonal unbalance. So, they tend to see results right away.

On the other hand, in people over 50, if the sleep disorder is prolonged and many related tissues are disrupted, it takes time for the tissues to recover. Initially, they overcome the disorder by having fewer and fewer nighttime awakenings, sleeping more and more deeply, and sleeping longer and longer.

Also, if you have a chronic sleep disorder, it's often because you have a hyperactive nervous system. In that case, you may feel more awake at night after taking the product. People who experience this can take TeloYouth twice, once in the morning and once before dinner.

If you stick with it, all the relevant tissues (brain, nervous system, hormonal system, gut, etc.) will be improved and move on to a new life. If you've been struggling with a chronic problem, it will take time to be improved. It takes trust, patience, and hard work.

If you know someone who suffers from sleep disorders or depression, be sure to share this good news with them and reap the reward of being thanked for changing their life.

While it's important to take care of your skin on the outside, it's even more important to make sure that healthy skin is coming from the inside out.

Surrean Serum helps you take care of your skin on the outside, while TeloYouth helps you bring healthy skin from the inside out.

If you want to become a true skin beauty and health beauty, I highly recommend taking TeloYouth. After just two months of taking it, you will realize that not only your facial skin is starting renewed, but also the skin of your entire body.

Click the button above. You will see videos of testimonials of people who have improved their skin after taking TeloYouth.

TeloYouth Company is a direct marketing company that sells products through referrals.
My name is Young.
I am a Korean American.
My health was so bad that I had to go to the emergency room twice in my 50s, but My poor health has improved a lot since I started taking TeloYouth. After I took TeloYouth and experienced a significant improvement in my health, I wanted to continue taking it, but my financial situation made it difficult for me to continue, so I started referring others to the product because I knew that the company would compensate me for referring others. The product worked so well that the people I introduced kept buying and eating it, and then they introduced it to other people, and my income gradually increased, and I was blessed to be earning a six-figure income as you can see in the photo below. If you introduce TeloYouth to people with health issues, you will soon be earning a decent income because the product is so effective.

I started introducing TeloYouth to other people for two reasons. While helping other people who have health issues, on the other hand, I wanted to earn money.

1. Help others
It is now becoming the norm for many people to live to be 90 years old or older. While life expectancy is increasing, people are living with more health issues. Look around you. How many people are suffering from health issues - people who don't sleep well, people who struggle with blood pressure and diabetes? You can help them get back on track by introducing them to TeloYouth.

TeloYouth is a product that is needed in this day and age, and it's a product that people who have experienced its benefits will order again and again and tell others about it.

It is a blessed product that will help people with health issues and at the same time increase your income more and more.

It's such a joy to see so many of the people I've referred to are getting back to good health. The woman whose nails are restored in the video above is the person to whom I introduced TeloYouth.

2. Earn Money
Since the company's owner is Korean American, the business was first launched in the Korean American community.

When Koreans make something, it often becomes a superlative like K Beauty, K Drama, K Appliances (SAMSUNG, LG), etc..

TeloYouth is a breakthrough product that helps the whole body recover, not just a part of it. The most important reason for my success is the excellence of the product. Because it's 10 years ahead of its time, and it's a once-in-a-century product. If you work hard, you can make a six-figure passive income in less than five years like me.

Most jobs don't pay you if you don't show up to work. This is a job that doesn't require you to commute, and it's a job where the work you do today doesn't disappear, but builds up day by day, earning you more and more income, and before long, giving you time and financial freedom because it generates passive income.

I have been doing this for five years now. After five years of hard work this year, I could see a six-figure income again on my 1099 form that is 3 years in a row.

TeloYouth is made in USA and made in a FDA approved facility. The product is still not yet known to many other ethnicities.

Be the first person to introduce this product to your community and you will have a greater opportunity to take TeloYouth for free in your life time as well as earning money.

This is a very promising personal business. Starting in these early days, when it is still little known, has a huge advantage.

You don't have to invest a single dollar to start this personal business. This means you don't have to pay upfront and buy something you don't need now.
However, if you or a family member have health issues, purchase and consume it. After seeing the result, introduce it to others. Because of the effectiveness of this product, people who purchase it continue to purchase it and recommend it to other people. Then your business will expand and your income will increase.

The product is shipped directly to the consumer by the company, so you don't have to take the product and give it to the consumer yourself. It's a very convenient and simple business. All you have to do is introduce the product to others.

For the time being, I suggest you start this business by doing what you are doing now for living. This is because when you're first starting out, it's not easy to make enough income to live on. But over time, your business will grow and grow, and you'll earn enough income to quit your current job and to enjoy time and finance freedom soon.

And this business that you've built can be passed on to your children or your family as an asset and they can enjoy financial and time freedom.

Start this business with an eye to the future for good health and a good income.
You can start this business with the peace of mind that if the people you refer want a refund, I will always give it to them. I will be your backbone for you to be successful. The reason I'm giving refunds is because very few people who have taken this product have asked for a refund. Do not miss this great opportunity and use it as an opportunity to regain your health and to enjoy financial and time freedom.

Every Thursday & Saturday
9:45 Am - 11:00 Am

TeloYouth Inc
6820 Orangethorpe Ave #G
Buena Park, CA 90620

Call for reservation: 562 977 9003